Alpine Thunder Celebrates 20th Anniversary

We certainly did not think that we would be an active German Folk/Pop music group for 20 years in the Chicagoland area.  It all started with a neighbor conversation, and next thing you know we successfully completed a number of performances in that same year.  Thanks to all that made it possible!  We are looking forward to many more performances to come.  Prost!

Alpine Thunder 2024 Schedule at the Edelweiss Restaurant

Alpine Thunder will be performing  every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening, at the Edelweiss Restaurant starting in January of 2024.

Friday 6-10PM

Saturday 6-10PM

Sunday 4-8PM

Alpine Thunder Gabe Goes Green

For the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day weekend Alpine Thunder Gabe will be saluting
Irish heritage with an all Irish folk music set. No lederhosen to be worn!
Bagpipes will be heard! View the Alpine Thunder Shows tab on our web site:

Ein Gutes Neues Jahr! Guten Rutsch im 2023!

Reflecting back on 2022 it was a much better year for live music performances
compared to 2020 and 2021. Alpine Thunder performed weekly through 2022.
We are looking forward to a successful 2023. View our updated Shows sections
for our next performance. Prost 2023!