Alpine Thunder Record Number of Performances for 2024

Alpine Thunder accomplished it’s most performances ever in its 20th Anniversary year! View our current expanding performance schedule for 2025 under “Shows” on our web site


Alpine Thunder Celebrates 20th Anniversary

We certainly did not think that we would be an active German Folk/Pop music group for 20 years in the Chicagoland area.  It all started with a neighbor conversation, and next thing you know we successfully completed a number of performances in that same year.  Thanks to all that made it possible!  We are looking forward to many more performances to come.  Prost!

Alpine Thunder 2024 Schedule at the Edelweiss Restaurant

Alpine Thunder will be performing  every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening, at the Edelweiss Restaurant starting in January of 2024.

Friday 6-10PM

Saturday 6-10PM

Sunday 4-8PM

Alpine Thunder Gabe Goes Green

For the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day weekend Alpine Thunder Gabe will be saluting
Irish heritage with an all Irish folk music set. No lederhosen to be worn!
Bagpipes will be heard! View the Alpine Thunder Shows tab on our web site:

Ein Gutes Neues Jahr! Guten Rutsch im 2023!

Reflecting back on 2022 it was a much better year for live music performances
compared to 2020 and 2021. Alpine Thunder performed weekly through 2022.
We are looking forward to a successful 2023. View our updated Shows sections
for our next performance. Prost 2023!

Gruezi an die Schweiz

Alpine Thunder will be giving several performances at the Zermatt Switzerland Show at the Knollwood Club in Lake Forest.  Featured will be an alphorn trio and yodeling.

World Language Week

Alpine Thunder is once again participating in the World Language Week at Vernon Hills High School.  We will perform  as a trio providing a cultural program empahsizing German langauage and culture through German folk/pop music.

Alpine Thunder Oktoberfest 2021

The Alpine Thunder team is looking forward to an exciting Oktoberfest for 2021.  We have a wonderful schedule for 2021.  View our “Shows” tab for upcoming dates.  Some of the highlights:

  • Big stage shows in Itasca, Naperville, Elk Grove, KC’s Cabin, Jesse Oaks, to name a few.
  • We will be at the Edelweiss Restaurant in Norridge every weekend through the first weekend in November.
  • Return of the “Alpine Ladies” group as a duo and now trio: Annie, Kelly, and Melissa.
  • Full 8 member team with lots of talent.

Prost Oktoberfest 2021!

Alpine Thunder Spring/Summer 2021

Starting in April Alpine Thunder has been regularly performing at the Edelweiss and Schnitzel Platz restaurants.  We are anticipating a far better Spring/Summer schedule in 2021 compared to last year.  Many venues are opening up and have confirmed their Oktoberfest celebrations for 2021.  View our updated schedule under “Shows” on this web site.  Prost 2021!

Goodbye Hofbrauhaus Chicago/Rosemont

Alpine Thunder at the Hofbrauhaus Chicago/Rosemont

For seven years the Alpine Thunder team performed every Saturday and Sunday afternoon, including private parties, the annual Von Steuben Day Parade down Lincoln Avenue in Chicago, Oktoberfest, and other events at the Hofbrauhaus Chicago/Rosemont.  We enjoyed providing authentic and genuine German folk music for all the guests, and all the wonderful interactive events like the featured guest  to play the big HB bass drum in a parade around the restaurant, the tuba parade with flags for the kids, the duo alphorn performances and much more.

Alpine Thunder and the Chicagoland area will miss this unique live music venue.